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long coolant tubes

Printed From: West Coast Fieros
Category: Technical Topics Forum
Forum Name: Technical Questions and Discussions
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Printed Date: 28 February 2025 at 8:57pm
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Topic: long coolant tubes
Posted By: fiero052
Subject: long coolant tubes
Date Posted: 06 March 2011 at 10:35am

hi all

developed a leak in one of my coolant tubes. was wondering what others have done. are these just made of aluminised tubing (exhaust pipe)  or something else?

what is best solution ? has any one goten entirely new tubes bent? are they easy to weld repair?




Posted By: Patrick
Date Posted: 06 March 2011 at 2:25pm

Glenn, as far as I know the coolant tubes are stainless steel.

You could always cut out the leaking part and spice in a rubber coolant hose in that spot. I don't know if it's the "best" solution, but I've heard of this being done numerous times at Pennock's.


Posted By: fiero052
Date Posted: 06 March 2011 at 3:30pm

well im into it now, and yes, they are stainless. the right side one looks fairly easy to get out but as my luck would have it, im working on the left one. this one was held by a string while pontiac built the rest of the car around it. has any one out there taken one of these out before? i may end up splicing this one with a piece of rad hose.

a word of advice to those fiero owners out there- a simple maintenance procedure that will save you a lot of grief- remove the coolant tube clamps once in a while and clean out the corrosion and road grime that develops in there. replace with a coating of never sieze between the clamp and pipe, other wise you will rot through the pipe in this area eventually, wether it is stainless or not.


Posted By: Dawg
Date Posted: 07 March 2011 at 1:57am
If the leak is in view and not hidden underneath, I should be able to TIG weld it in place.

Is it a pin hole or a crack?

The Dawg

You dream it up....I'll make it

Posted By: fiero052
Date Posted: 07 March 2011 at 7:57pm

too late. i already chopped her. thanks for offering though. we coulda weld repaired it but the area of the leak is so rough that we would have just sprung another leak eventually anyway, so i made the decision to cut out a whole 6 " section. now its off to mac muffler to get a new section made up. will let ya know how it works out



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