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85 gt fixer upper

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fierowned View Drop Down

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    Posted: 08 June 2009 at 2:55am

Hi, I'm a new member, been looking for info on here since I bought this car back in early may, and figured I should register and share some pics of my progress and frustrations.

So as the title says, she's an 85 gt automatic.  Got it for $650 because it needs a fair bit of work, but even knowing that, I really think I got a good deal considering that it runs, the tires are in great shape and it had new exhaust put on before it was parked roughly a year ago.  The guy who sold it thought my friend and I were brave or foolish to drive it to delta from maple ridge, he really expected that we were bringing a flatbed.  Made it back with the only problem being that it needed a jump start after we put fuel in it.  Anyway, here's the pics from the first day I got the car.



The interior was pretty filthy, pics really don't show how bad it looked or smelled.

Survived the trip with no real issues amazingly

Now I knew it had a lot of problems getting into it, and found more as I started digging into it, but here are some of the problems it had when I bought it:

-no park brake
-no washer tank or pump
-no spare tire
-engine was low on power
-transmission line was leaking
-hole where the battery tray used to be
-left exhaust tip was not installed for some reason when they did the exhaust work, but the seller supplied extra tips with the vehicle (forgot to mention he supplied an extra hood w/scoop, and side scoop panels as well!)
-weak brakes

But the big pain was that every lock had to be changed.  He had no key for the drivers door, pasenger door was punched in, trunk was punched in, and the ignition had either part of a key broken inside, or was just so mangled so much that it worked with nothing in it!  I kept pulling the wire from the coil to the distributor as my only means of theft protection when I parked it.  Seller also had a spare used GM ignition lock cylinder, and included it with the car as well.

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fierowned View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote fierowned Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 3:53am

Soon after, I ordered a set of locks, and installed the used ignition lock cylinder.  Those side door locks are a royal pain!  Thankfully I did them last, or I wouldn't have bothered with changing the other locks in the same day.  I took some pics of the trunk lid lock getting changed.  I had to patch up the holes with some epoxy because I had to punch out the old screws since the heads were stripped and badly rusted.

Plate and cylinder were out at this point, just waiting for the epoxy to harden so I could drill new holes.

Here's the old lock

And the finished result, along with the picture of the first time the trunk latch has been closed in who knows how long.

I was busy that day, gave it a tune up as well, which took care of my low power problem.....what a difference!  I also figured I'd see if I could get that exhaust tip back on.  It had an old clamp on it, so I thought I'd try and see if I could reuse it first, rather than having to leave and go buy a clamp right away without knowing.  It was an extremely tight fit because the end of the old piping from the tips was nowhere near round.  Also remembered I had some metal polish, so I tried cleaning it up before it went on.



Here's how it looked with the tip out.  You can also see the nice puddle of ATF on the ground from my leaky trans line, that ended up just being a loose clamp, which was a nice break.

I have to mention something funny that I noticed as well.  This very same care was owned by someone else who was/is on these forums.  I was searching through the "old members rides" page and noticed "Vlad's 85 gt" and saw the wheels on his car right away.  They look just like the ones on my car..... appear to be mkIII vw gti rims, so I doubt too many local grey 85 gts would have them.  I looked closer and saw the difference in paint colour from where the bra on the car used to be as well.  The big kicker was the battery though.  On his personal webpage link there's a shot of his rear trunk mounted battery.  Well look at what's under the trunk of mine.....

I just thought that was kind of neat.  Does anyone know if he's still around?

Eventually, I brought it over to our pit (I've been keeping the car at work since all my tools are there and I'm allowed to use the shop on days off as long as I don't get in the way of the mechanics on duty), changed the oil and had a look underneath.

It looks so much better with the tips on both sides!  Underneath looked ok.  Rad support is rotting away, but still holding fine, just needs a patch on the bottom.  Everything else looked decent, it was $650 remember? 

Next post will have a few pics from when I had it on our hoist to check the brakes and then the few pics I took when I finally got to take it out on a permit to see how she drives on actual streets (my friend drove it back from maple ridge because I wasn't going to let him drive my dad's brand new truck, which we took to haul the extra hood.....I'll take some pics of that soon and try to get those up too).  Before the day with the permit, I'd only driven it up and down the yard at work really.  I'll hopefully have the next post up within a day or two.

Oh I almost forgot the coolest thing about the car, the REAL selling point..... THE MIGHTY TYPE S CUP HOLDER!  Even my friend said I had to buy it just for that hahaha.

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Capt Fiero View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Capt Fiero Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 1:08pm


Yep I saw the pics and instantly though about Vlads car.


             When he owned it, he use to race it at Mission on the road course for years there was a pic of his car on the Mission track page.

               He did take pretty good care of it, but as I mentioned it was years ago, probably around 6 or 7 years since he sold it.  At that time it was pretty much stock aside from the battery in the trunk.     I can't remember if there were any real mods, but I would go over the suspension and check for aftermarket sway bar(s) poly bushings and such.  I thought I sold him a black poly insert for the dogbone, can't really tell in the pics though.

Capt Fiero
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Patrick View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote Patrick Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 1:21pm
Originally posted by fierowned fierowned wrote:

Hi, I'm a new member, been looking for info on here since I bought this car back in early may, and figured I should register and share some pics of my progress and frustrations.

So as the title says, she's an 85 gt automatic.  Got it for $650...

Excellent first post and introduction to your recent acquisition.  Sounds like you got a great deal.

Hope you consider coming to the next club meeting (this Saturday) to show off your  '85 GT!


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fierowned View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote fierowned Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 1:46pm
I'll have to have a better look underneath to see if there's any goodies on the car.  I know he swapped the rear brakes on it, which actually kind of annoyed me.  I guess it makes sense if he was racing it, but it has front calipers off of something else on the rear, and the park brake cables weren't just tied up or something, they were hacked off!  I got a set of rebuilt calipers and all 3 park brake cables, just trying to get the return springs for the park brake levers because they weren't included with the rebuilds.  I found one at the wrecker, but someone took all the brakes off the other side of that car already.  I don't really want to take it out on the road without an emergency brake though, so I'm gonna have to pass on this meeting, but hopefully can make it out in July if I can get my brakes sorted out.  The fronts aren't too great either, but the car does stop......eventually haha.
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Patrick View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote Patrick Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 2:00pm

Originally posted by fierowned fierowned wrote:

I don't really want to take it out on the road without an emergency brake though...

If the truth be known, many (if not most) people don't have a problem living with a car with an automatic transmission that doesn't have a parking brake. (Just put it in Park when parked and it's not going anywhere.)

The '86 GT (automatic) that I bought over a year ago has never had a working parking brake since I've owned it. However, I have to admit that I don't like parking a manual tranny car, especially on a hill, without a properly functioning parking brake.


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Capt Fiero View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Capt Fiero Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 2:06pm

The brakes are these, http://www.westcoastfieros.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=477 &PN=1  

        The GrandAm swap was very popular, especially for people racing.   You get nearly twice the braking performnace and its 1/2 the cost of stock brakes.  However you loose the parking break. 

Capt Fiero
88 Fiero GT 5spd V6
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Capt Fiero Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 2:08pm


       Oh forgot to add, I downloaded and installed ICQ and actually remembered my ICQ number.  I had him on my ICQ list, so I have sent him a message and asked him to pop in over here.    Kinda funny side note, out of 160+ ICQ contacts only 15 were online.    I am pretty sure he still uses it though through an multi client app.

Capt Fiero
88 Fiero GT 5spd V6
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fierowned View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote fierowned Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 2:20pm
Oh cool, hope he drops by.  Well either way I did have to do something about the rear brakes, the fluid is like mud and one rear has a bleeder broken off flush.  I just feel better with the park brake, there's too much slop in the trans park pin for my liking and I live on a hill haha.  And I just like knowing I have something in an emergency too.  Anyway I gotta start getting ready for work, but I'll try and get the rest of my pics up when I get home.
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Patrick View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote Patrick Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 2:55pm

Originally posted by fierowned fierowned wrote:

And I just like knowing I have something in an emergency too.

I'd really be interested in knowing how many people have EVER used their "emergency" brake in a true emergency. I'm referring to a situation where out-of-the-blue their perfectly working brakes all of a sudden failed completely while driving at speed and the driver had the time (and presence of mind!) to use their emergency brake before bouncing off something.

I bet the percentage of drivers in this scenario rates right up there with million dollar lottery winners.

I've been driving for 37 years and have never used an emergency brake in an emergency, nor have I won the lottery.


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Capt Fiero View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Capt Fiero Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 3:25pm


        To agree with you on that one Patrick, I have a perfectly working E-Brake on my 88GT and I have TESTED it, driving at 80kph and yanking it as hard as I could, we slowed down but in no means quickly.   I can decelerate much faster by dropping 2 gears and letting the engine slow my down, then turn off the key while in gear.  Which I had to do in Lisa's V8 one night. 

My Grand-Am brakes on my 85GT saved me far more times that I could count.  Those times were I was able to stop the car with less than a foot before I hit someone, If I had the stock brakes all the way around I know I would have made contact.   For me the Grand-Am brakes are well worth the trade off, or doing the more "now popular mod" using the Cadillac Calipers, Le baron 10.25 rotors in the rear so you get to keep your E-brake and have the better brakes in the back.

Capt Fiero
88 Fiero GT 5spd V6
Eight Fifty Seven GT V8 5spd.
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Guests View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 3:32pm
looks like a decent fiero for $650!
this forum is great, great people too, i dont know where i would be without it....
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Capt Fiero View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Capt Fiero Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 4:42pm

Originally posted by 92rsrskyline 92rsrskyline wrote:

looks like a decent fiero for $650!
this forum is great, great people too, i dont know where i would be without it....


Check your PM's

Capt Fiero
88 Fiero GT 5spd V6
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Romeo View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Romeo Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 6:17pm
Originally posted by Patrick Patrick wrote:

Originally posted by fierowned fierowned wrote:

And I just like knowing I have something in an emergency too.

I'd really be interested in knowing how many people have EVER used their "emergency" brake in a true emergency. I'm referring to a situation where out-of-the-blue their perfectly working brakes all of a sudden failed completely while driving at speed and the driver had the time (and presence of mind!) to use their emergency brake before bouncing off something.

I bet the percentage of drivers in this scenario rates right up there with million dollar lottery winners.

I've been driving for 37 years and have never used an emergency brake in an emergency, nor have I won the lottery.


Ken Block would be heart-broken to hear you bashing on his favorite toy.
Never shift into reverse without a back-up plan.
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Patrick View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote Patrick Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 6:23pm

Originally posted by Romeo Romeo wrote:

Ken Block would be heart-broken to hear you bashing on his favorite toy.

Who the heck is Ken Block?

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Guests View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 7:13pm
Originally posted by Patrick Patrick wrote:

Originally posted by Romeo Romeo wrote:

Ken Block would be heart-broken to hear you bashing on his favorite toy.

Who the heck is Ken Block?

http://www.google.ca/search?q=ken+block&ie=utf-8&oe= utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client =firefox-a
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Patrick View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote Patrick Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 7:44pm

Originally posted by 92rsrskyline 92rsrskyline wrote:

http://www.google.ca/search?q=ken+block&ie=utf-8&oe= utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client =firefox-a

Are you trying to supply a link to This?

I may not know who Ken Block is, but I know how to properly post a link.

So, what's This guy got to do with parking brakes? 


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Guests View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2009 at 9:42pm
Originally posted by Patrick Patrick wrote:

Originally posted by 92rsrskyline 92rsrskyline wrote:

http://www.google.ca/search?q=ken+block&ie=utf-8&oe= utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client =firefox-a

Are you trying to supply a link to This?

I may not know who Ken Block is, but I know how to properly post a link.

So, what's This guy got to do with parking brakes? 


haha thats hilarious! the one we are talking about is a popular rally driver/crazy person sponsored by DC shoes. many of those darn young peoples seem to like this guy..

yes yes, in my hurry i forgot to properly post the link..
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Vlad I. View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote Vlad I. Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09 June 2009 at 12:32am
Hi there,

Here I am. I used to own this 85GT from around 1999 till
2003. I loved this car and still sorry I had to sell it.

I took care of the car myself and for the home
enthusiast I knew this Fiero pretty much inside-out.
When I sold it (for $2500 I believe) it was fully
functional with strong running engine, transmission and
fresh suspension. Hope I could be of assistance if you
have any questions.
This is how the car looked about 8-9 years ago.

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fierowned View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote fierowned Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09 June 2009 at 11:28am
Oh man that's awesome!  It still has the dodge neon floor mats!  They're horribly stained now though, so they're gonna have to go :).  The engine in it definitely has lots of power now that I did a tune up on it.  And it just sounds awesome too!  I had this car in our shop and my co-worker's 72 continental with a massive 460 v8 under the hood, and this fiero sounded so much meaner! 

I appreciate the comments about the brakes, if I find that the stock ones are terrible, I'll look for another option, but as they are now anyway, I put my foot to the floor as hard as I can, and I can't lock any of them up......which I would be fine with if it was actually stopping quickly, but my daily driver stops better with half pedal travel than the fiero with a full brake application.  It seriously kinda scares me.  We checked the calipers out, all seem to be working, and we bled the 3 calipers that had working bleed screws.  The brakes do start to make contact right away, it's just that they don't do a whole lot until you really put a lot of effort into it.  The booster is working as well.

I'll get the pics of when I was checking out the brakes in a little bit here.
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