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Topic: North Korea asks U.S to wipe it off earthPosted By: Dr.Fiero
Subject: North Korea asks U.S to wipe it off earth
Date Posted: 24 May 2009 at 9:40pm
Replies: Posted By: Capt Fiero
Date Posted: 24 May 2009 at 10:10pm
LOL, another WMD thing. If they were really a threat, I don't think the news would have time to report it before the US blew the hell out of there country.
I honestly believe that what we are "told" about going on is only about 10% of what is really going on, and the government keeps that other 90% private.
Posted By: Capt Fiero
Date Posted: 26 May 2009 at 9:09am
If they really want to test nukes, I say let em, we'll even join in and test a few of our own, right in the center of there little city, ground level. Then they can really see (well for a split second anyways) What a western country's nuke looks like. All in the name of sharing right.
Posted By: Bassman
Date Posted: 26 May 2009 at 12:56pm
Does everyone realize how scary and REAL this is...on CNN they called a potential state of War from the US (UN support)...fark me, all it takes is one idiot with authority to push the button then we are all done.
Posted By: Capt Fiero
Date Posted: 26 May 2009 at 1:46pm
This is a 2 part reply, don't worry I put a space and line between the 2 parts. If you have a few mins to kill, have a coffee and a smoke, read both parts. If ya don't the important reply was in the first section. The 2nd section is about doomsday stuff.
Brian with all due respect, and I do respect your opinions as a man of the world, you have dealt with more people and different cultures in the last 10 years than most of us will in our lifetime.
I rank this right up there with the Cuban missile crisis, and the cold war threats of Russia bombing the USA. There is little to zero chance that this idiot could get an ICBM off the ground long enough to even reach a US target, and if there was a real threat that ICBM would be blown out of the sky within seconds of it leaving international waters. CNN albeit a little more down to earth is still a new agency to make money, just like all the other media outlets. It sells, it grabs attention.
Kinda shooting back to my first post in this topic, I'll bet for every 1 counter measure we have at our disposal, the government has 9 more that are far cooler than the one we know about. The military is not going to tell every harry tom dick, about how it plans to defend allied soil. The fact that we even know that this problem exists is darn near proof that the US is not worried about it. If there was a genuine threat, the last thing the USA would be doing is having press releases. They would go in reduce the threat, and then after the fact, they Might tell us how close we were to getting knocked off.
My BIG fear, the thing that if I think about it, scares the HELL out of me, is the people that you don't hear about in the news. The Job Bob da Knob, that got the plans to make a bomb using pirated wireless so it can't be traced back to him then buys or steals the stuff over the underground markets. Then casually walks into a place like the center of Metrotown mall and lets er rip. There are bombs small enough to fit in a backpack strong enough to dang near destroy a city block.
The other thing more frightening than that, that could affect us on a much more global scale. What do you think would happen if one of these underground nukes were fired near a fault line, or encased in a steel Shell just thick enough to let it survive the heat of an open volcano for a few mins and dropped inside. I give mother earth credit shes a tough old bird, but, one shot to the heart and everything is game over.
If we all sat around and honestly worried about all the dooms day chances we could have, we'd all need separate rooms as the Wacky house in Coquitlam.
There is honestly nothing me as a single person can do to stop any of it. The best I can do is go about my life taking care of loved ones and hoping the elected officials are able to take care of any situation.
Oh one last note to this. Do a bit of research on the giant supercolider, then compare the estimated date that they feel it will reach full steam, and start creating results. Nowgo google December 21, 2012 ya want to talk about coincidence. If its real, its been predicted for a thousand years. There is a really neat torrent out there called 2012 doomsday prophecies, and explains all the sacred seals of the Apocalypse, then shows what in Science can actually give those effects. (rivers turning red, aka "Red Tide" caused by some sea creatures, which are oddly on the rise rapidly. Disease, we are seeing more and more of it recently, The Antichrist, does not show up as a devil, he shows up as an Angel of Peace, here to help all the common man, gets huge powerful populations to stand behind him, then starts to show his evil side and befor anyone realizes it, its too late.
Posted By: Romeo
Date Posted: 26 May 2009 at 3:18pm
*Cough BARACK OBAMA cough cough*
Yes, I do remember readnig about the anti-christ (I'm not satanist mind you) and hearing about how he'll ask the other countries to forfeit their weaponary, in the name of peace, then lead a genocide as he'll be the only one with any power left. Kinda like what the UN always do.
------------- Never shift into reverse without a back-up plan.
Posted By: Bassman
Date Posted: 26 May 2009 at 3:48pm
It's just scary:) many have stated, let's hope it can be all worked out in a calming way:)
Posted By: Romeo
Date Posted: 26 May 2009 at 4:32pm
Well, although I hope it doesn't come to such a point, do remember that the US and Canada both have a massive amount of TNMD (Tactical Nuclear Missile Defense) systems in place, far more than the amount of offenseive missiles North Korea has. What worries me is how similarly this mirrors what happened right before World War II:
Hitler takes control and leads his country back into properiety with military being at the top of the list. Pleads his case to the UN that every other country has a massive army by comparison, and that Germany should be allowed to devellop their own to make things fair. Devellops new weapons platforms, at an alarming rate, and then proceeds to attack neighboring countries.
Kim-Jong Il stands at the helm of North Korea, and is trying to re-establish his country, with a focus on military might. Has plead his case to the UN that the rest of the free-world far out-classes his country in terms of military size, and that nuclear research in North Korea should be permitted to make things fair. Devellops and tests nuclear warheads and long range missile systems, including those with a far enough reach to hit North America and Britain.
------------- Never shift into reverse without a back-up plan.
Posted By: Bobz0r
Date Posted: 26 May 2009 at 4:54pm
I think all the dooms day prophecies are pathetic. How many THOUSANDS of times have there been "End of days" remarks that never come about. Every couple years, from Y2K to 2012 Nibiru, not to mention so many others that have clearly fallen face first into nothingness.
As far as I'm concerned, whatever happens, happens. If we can aviod it, great. But if sh*t hits the fan all you can do it take care of those next to you and go on.
Posted By: Dr.Fiero
Date Posted: 26 May 2009 at 6:20pm
I'm kinda thinking that if the US thinks for even a second that they could actually launch something.... they'll be sending some 'people' over there to 'invoke an accident' (cough cough).
Oops! Look... the Koreans were dragging the little 10 mega ton bomb off for testing, and.... whoopsie! It blew up on the truck and wiped out half there own country. Awwww... well, we TOLD them not to play with big fire, or they were gonna get burned.
N.K. has pretty much already said that by S.K. getting involved in the shipping blockade, that it was a declaration of war (top of page 2 in the 2nd link). Anyone remember a little skirmish that happened round about 1950-1953 that the US got involved in? Could happen again... but with MUCH larger toys to play with this time.
Posted By: Fiero Zen
Date Posted: 26 May 2009 at 6:53pm
Well...............just to add to the pot and possibly add some fresh info, look at this and digest and comment...if you dare
I can NOT confirm or deny that we are being scanned, probed (ouch), or even being sexually molested by the NASA Blue Beam Project as you read this info.
------------- Yesterday is History
Tomorrow is a Mystery
But Today is a Gift
That is why it is called the Present
Posted By: Bassman
Date Posted: 26 May 2009 at 7:24pm
Big article...I'll read later, researching my bunker build...
I can NOT confirm or deny that we are being scanned, probed (ouch), or even being sexually molested by the NASA Blue Beam Project as you read this info. wrote:
The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head.
The moment I read words like that in a supposedly serious article, I can no longer take it seriously.
Posted By: Graeme
Date Posted: 10 June 2009 at 9:57pm
Dr.Fiero wrote:
(from an MSNBC article) On Tuesday, North Korea said it would use nuclear weapons in a "merciless offensive" if provoked.
meh.. sounds like the americans really. "piss us off and we'll send your country back to the stone age"..
I've always found it interesting that the whole world is against North Korea. They make a few statements for particular reasons and everybody jumps on the "oohh.. those guys are bad" bandwagon. Wouldn't you be pissed off if the americans walked in and stole half of BC? Then called it the "BC war" where the "north BC people" fought the "south BC people"? If you lived in the north from that point you would then be subjucated to an amazing amount of restrictions, loss of ability to trade with any part of the world and then have to do that for 50 years as "the bad part of the country". Kinda like the evil Cubans I suppose.
As George Bush famously said "if you're not with us you're against us" when he went off on his annihalation project of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Nothing will come of it all I think, the are obviously letting a few people know out there that they won't put up with some bullying that is going on behind closed doors. Everything will go back to normal again (just like last time) and the circle will continue. At least that's just my humble opinion :)
Posted By: Dr.Fiero
Date Posted: 20 June 2009 at 10:49pm
This is still on topic, but.... just funny the way the page is shown: - ic/
Note that it's a video article about NK having a long range missile that they might be pointing at Hawaii. There's a picture of a missile. There's a button you push to watch the video. It's marked "Launch", and is right under the picture.
Posted By: Romeo
Date Posted: 21 June 2009 at 5:42pm
LOL. Ah irony, how I love it.
Again though, North Korea can have SCUD and Cruz missiles to spare, the missile defense systems in North America are nothing short of astounding. After swatting down anything they launched, North Korea would have most of the civilized world kicking it while it's down.
------------- Never shift into reverse without a back-up plan.
Posted By: Capt Fiero
Date Posted: 22 June 2009 at 5:18am
The USA has enough covert non public knowledge stuff, why don't they just divert people Asian decent to go in, plant a car bomb with a dummy in the drivers seat, run it on remote control from a satellite run it head first into the leaders place, detonate it, end of story. No Americans lives lost, no billion dollars from a shock campaign. No more Kimg Kong fooey dude. I would say a UAV but that is way too easily traceable back to the Americans.
If we do end up with a real war over there, this could be a brilliant idea and even save us some real money.
Go into the USA and Canadian jails. Take all the death row inmates, or people with life in prison sentences. Give them the option to be fully decked out in the Rambo gear. Hugh guns grenades and BPV's, I think if they have the option of being put to death in a chair or go out blazing they would choose the latter. We wouldn't have to feed them, cloth them, or pay for guards or even the execution costs.
Hey at least I am thinking about solutions rather than just Oohing and Ahing over what is going on.
In all seriousness, if this KingKongLee dude, really does try to fire an ICBM at the USA. (which would be shot down by the US seconds after launch) He would get pulverized in an instant. The American government may be the school yard bully, but at least he's on our side.
Posted By: Romeo
Date Posted: 22 June 2009 at 11:50am
We don't have death row, Davie. lol
------------- Never shift into reverse without a back-up plan.
Posted By: Capt Fiero
Date Posted: 22 June 2009 at 1:00pm
Ya I should have worded that better. Go into the USA and grab there death row, and go into Canada grab all the Lifers. Ah hell lets grab the USA lifers too.
Totally off topic, but I don't care what country you are in, if you commit a lethal crime, or rape/murder a child. With at least 3 no bias whitenesses. I.E. caught robbing a store and shoots someone. There aught to be a gas chamber in the basement of the jail. No trial, no fuss no muss. The Only exception would be a Marshal law situation. Man kills/rapes someones wife or family, and the father goes and kills the bastard that raped/killed his family.
Way too many loopholes in Canadian Justice, and spending way to much letting these criminals ride the system. Charlie Danial's said it best. "Take the Rapist's, Child Abusers and Drug Dealers out to the swap, tie to a tree and let the alligators do the rest"
Posted By: Dr.Fiero
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 3:56pm
North Korea threatens to declare war North
Korea has said it would consider interception of its ships a
declaration of war, and on Wednesday accused the U.S. of seeking to
start another Korean War.
the U.S. imperialists start another war, the army and people of Korea
will ... wipe out the aggressors on the globe once and for all," a
dispatch from the official Korean Central News Agency said.
Posted By: Romeo
Date Posted: 24 June 2009 at 9:09pm
Ha. Good luck.
But the solution you listed Dave always comes down to an inherit problem: Motivation. If the inmates are there because they have no other choice, the minute you provide them with weaponary they'll turn on you. If you give them the choice "Fight and we'll deduct half the time" you're essentially releasing some of the worst criminals back onto the streets, and only further encouraging their violent behaviors.
------------- Never shift into reverse without a back-up plan.
Posted By: Capt Fiero
Date Posted: 02 July 2009 at 1:21am
Hmm things may get really interesting really quick. ic
SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea is highly likely to test-fire a barrage of missiles in coming days, a news report said Thursday, a move that would aggravate the already-high tensions following Pyongyang's nuclear test and U.N. sanctions.
The North is expected to launch short- or medium-range missiles, including banned ballistic rockets, from two sites on its east coast in early July, the South Korean newspaper JoongAng Ilbo reported, citing an unidentified intelligence source.
Last month, Pyongyang designated a no-sail zone off its east coast for military drills through July 10. Media reports have said the missile launches could come around July 4, the U.S. Independence Day. The North tested a long-range missile on that day in 2006.
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New missiles launches would seriously exacerbate the tensions running high since Pyongyang's May 25 nuclear test and a series of missile firings. The U.N. Security Council adopted a tough sanctions resolution last month to punish the communist regime.
Versions of short-range Scud or medium-range Rodong missiles are expected to be fired from one site in Anbyon, the JoongAng said. The Scud B missile has a range of 210 miles (340 kilometers) and the Rodong 1 has a range of more than 620 miles (1,000 kilometers), it said.
But the North could cut Rodong's range to some 250 miles (400 kilometers) for the upcoming test-firing, the paper cited the source as saying without elaborating. Both Scud and Rodong are ballistic missiles that the North is banned from testing under U.N. resolutions.
The North is expected to launch short-range ground-to-ship missiles from the other site, the mass-market paper said.
But Seoul's Yonhap news agency cited an unidentified military official saying later that there are no signs yet that missile launches are imminent, though added that short-range missiles can be fired at any time.
South Korea's Defense Ministry declined to confirm the reports, saying it cannot discuss intelligence matters.
U.S. beefs up defenses around Hawaii
The North also threatened in April to test-fire an intercontinental ballistic missile. Last month, a Japanese newspaper reported that the North could test-fire a long-range missile toward Hawaii as early as around July 4. The U.S. has beefed up defenses around Hawaii.
But Seoul's YTN television news network said Thursday there are no signs of an imminent long-range missile launch.
The reported missile moves came after a North Korean ship ¡ª suspected of possibly carrying illicit weapons ¡ª changed course and was heading back the way it came after remaining under U.S. surveillance for more than a week.
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North Korean ship changes course
The North Korean ship is the first vessel monitored under the new U.N. sanctions that seek to clamp down on Pyongyang's trading of banned arms and weapons-related material by requiring U.N. member states to request inspections of ships suspected of carrying prohibited cargo.
The North has said it would consider interception of its ships a declaration of war. On Wednesday, North Korea's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper renewed the warning.
"Touching our ships constitutes a grave military provocation against our country," the paper said in a commentary carried by the official Korean Central News Agency. "These acts will be followed immediately by self-defensive military countermeasures."
Report: N. Korea test-fires missiles
U.S., South Korea closely monitoring communist regime's activities
Report: N. Korea test-fires missiles
updated 51 minutes ago
SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea fired three missiles off its eastern coast Saturday, South Korea said, in what was likely to be seen as a message of defiance to the United States on its Independence Day holiday.
The launches, which came two days after North Korea fired four short-range missiles, could further escalate tensions in the region as the U.S. tries to muster support for tough enforcement of the U.N. resolution imposed on the communist regime for its May nuclear test.
South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the missiles were fired Saturday morning, but declined to elaborate on the type. Two missiles were fired early Saturday, while a third was fired later in the morning, it said.