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Huge Sale lots of stuff

Printed From: West Coast Fieros
Category: Buy / Sell
Forum Name: Everything Else Wtd or FS
Forum Description: If it doesn't fit into the above - it goes here
Printed Date: 11 March 2025 at 12:58am
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Topic: Huge Sale lots of stuff
Posted By: Capt Fiero
Subject: Huge Sale lots of stuff
Date Posted: 08 June 2009 at 1:02pm

Ok zip throught these pics as a guidline only.  These are a bit out dated becuase I have added a few things and removed a few things since then, but it will give ya a rough idea.

         Make a resonable offer either by PM or Email to -  

Pics are in this thread. - ;KW=parts+supply



Capt Fiero
88 Fiero GT 5spd V6
Eight Fifty Seven GT V8 5spd.

Posted By: Capt Fiero
Date Posted: 08 June 2009 at 3:39pm

I'll delete this post when I get back, however I am making a run to the locker right now.  Will be there until 4:15pm.   If anyone needs anything, let me know.   Its 3:35pm right now.

Email to my cell -   or quicker to  call 604-807-2623

So far on my list.

Head for Dr. Fiero

rear bumper reflector for someone

Rad Fan


Like I said, better be active on the forum if you want to see this post before its deleted.


Capt Fiero
88 Fiero GT 5spd V6
Eight Fifty Seven GT V8 5spd.

Posted By: Bobz0r
Date Posted: 08 June 2009 at 4:32pm
Any chance a good front exhaust manifold is available? I need the one at the fierwall.

Posted By: Capt Fiero
Date Posted: 08 June 2009 at 4:43pm
Probably have one.  Make an offer on Price.   To be fair, check ebay and the Fiero Store for that manifold.

Capt Fiero
88 Fiero GT 5spd V6
Eight Fifty Seven GT V8 5spd.

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