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A&W Cruise nights

Printed From: West Coast Fieros
Category: General Car Chat (Not Fiero Specific)
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Topic: A&W Cruise nights
Posted By: beken
Subject: A&W Cruise nights
Date Posted: 25 April 2014 at 9:25am
Beginning Next Thursday May 2 2014 and running until September, Every Thursday,
there will be cruise nights at the A&W at King George HWY and 72nd AVe in

You just drop in anytime between 5:00pm and 9:00pm.   

I went to a few last year. You just drop in and enter draws for prizes, and
maybe get a bite to eat. It's free and some money's earned from the cruise
nights are donated to a charity or you can donate also.


Anybody interested in joining me for improptu meet-ups?

I believe there are A&Ws in south Surrey, Fleetwood and North Vancouver that
will also be having cruise nights but starting later in the year.


Beken (aka Ken) -   Original and still the owner of an 85SE 2M6 4spd

Posted By: Patrick
Date Posted: 25 April 2014 at 6:13pm

It's too bad the A&W on Kingsway in Burnaby can't get their act together. It's actually quite nice inside the restaurant (for an A&W), but from the outside it often looks like it's been abandoned. I suggested to the manager that if he put a bit of effort into the outside appearance of the place that he'd probably attract a few more customers.

It's got a ton of parking space on the lot. Would be a great place to have car club get-togethers.


Posted By: beken
Date Posted: 15 May 2014 at 10:31am
I will likely drop into the Cruise night at A&W tonight at
King George Highway on 72nd (East side of King George
Highway). Other Fieros welcome.


Beken (aka Ken) -   Original and still the owner of an 85SE 2M6 4spd

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